Why do we need a Will? The primary reason people around the globe prepare wills is to protect their digital and financial assets by specifying how their inheritance will be distributed. Testators can specify as beneficiaries their loved ones, as well as other people,...
Asset Protection
Why is my partner always worried when I leave for a business trip – and how do I fix that?
When you travel a lot on business trips, it can be challenging to your relationships. It is extremely difficult and distressing at times, not only to you but also your partner and your whole family. In many cases, the traveling partner is not even aware of why his or...
Last Will and Testament vs. Estate Planning
Do you remember the last time you went to a movie? I guess you haven't forgotten how you prepared for it: You considered who you wanted to share this experience with. You thought about what genre of movie you wanted to watch. You checked whether this genre suited your...
History of the asset management industry
What is asset management? Asset management can be described as the set of activities related to managing a portfolio of assets with the goal of increasing their value. For those of you who are interested in a more detailed definition of asset management, we’ve...
Catch 22: protect the insurance protection
Life insurance for peace of mind People who decide to take out life insurance are usually driven by the desire to protect their loved ones and secure them financially in case of a fatal event happening to the policy holder. This is very convenient, especially in...
How much are bank accounts insured for?
First, let’s make an important distinction: there are, generally speaking, two main types of insurance for bank accounts. There’s the guarantee banks are required or encouraged by the state to provide, and there’s the private type of insurance you can purchase...
How do you protect your assets and find an expert to help?
The case for asset protection Asset protection is mainly associated with various strategies for guarding people’s wealth. In the past, these strategies were primarily aimed at protecting assets from creditor claims. The goal was to limit the creditors’ access to...
Stock portfolios – building, managing and protecting them
What is a stock portfolio? Let’s start with the definition. The stock portfolio is a component of the investment portfolio that contains various stocks. Think of it as more of a concept than a physical collection. Depending on the country you’re in and on the method...
How to protect your personal finance
Personal finance Personal finance is a term that covers many aspects, such as managing your finances, various strategies for maximizing the value of your financial assets, retirement planning, saving, investing, insurance and tax considerations. Of course each of...
How to Protect Your Digital and Financial Assets
Why do we need asset protection? Many people nowadays have complex and diverse assets, which in addition often reside in multiple countries. The interesting thing is that many people don't even realize that. It’s only when you start thinking about it, you figure out...