The democratization of online trading. Online trading platforms democratized investment by providing access to it for everyone. In the past, this was primarily a privilege of professional brokers. These days, many people with various professional backgrounds and jobs...
Digital Inheritance
The emergence of digital inheritance fintech services
The emergence of digital inheritance fintech services. Digital Inheritance ?! More or less everyone understands inheritance as the passing of assets to beneficiaries whom the owner has appointed. Two hundred years ago, inheritance was a pretty simple process,...
Benefits of asset protection services and the problems they solve
What are the benefits of using an asset protection service? In our post about “Asset protection and why you absolutely need it,” we discussed in detail what asset protection is. An important clarification that we made is that asset protection is not only a privilege...
How to protect your assets when it matters the most
Traditional wills vs. digital inheritance When we speak about asset protection, inevitably wills and traditional inheritance pop up. We have already reviewed in detail in our blog “Best way to protect assets and ensure loved ones are secure” why traditional wills and...