Protect your family assets and accounts

Share, organize, and collaborate with your family members on managing your important family assets and account credentials.

Platinum plan

BE SURE that your loved ones and assets are protected.


Family Account: Collaborate with family members to organize and track family assets


Additional care and security for you and your loved ones


Protect an unlimited number of assets and passwords

Family Account: Collaborate with family members to organize and track family assets

Family Account setup

Add your closest family members and grant them edit or view access to collaborate with you on setting up and managing your family’s asset information.

Minimize the risk of your loved ones not inheriting your assets due to a lack of visibility about their existence, location, or absence of access details.

Additional care and security for you and your loved ones

Additional care and security for you and your loved ones

Dedicated Executive Assistant for your loved ones, ensuring they are proactively informed about their designated assets.

For your ultimate peace of mind, DGLegacy® continuously monitors 700+ of the top global financial companies holding digital and financial assets and immediately notifies owners if a financial risk is detected.

Protect an unlimited number of assets and passwords

Unlimited logs for assets and passwords

Catalog and update company stocks, crypto, insurance policies, retirement plans, bank accounts, and more

Assign your unlimited beneficiaries and trustees, upload documents, or download snapshots at any time you choose. Everything is fully encrypted with bank-level security cryptography and is used only to operate the service!

NEW feature

How to use your Family Account?

Add family members

Set permissions

Set multiple owners per asset

Organize, protect, and collaborate

Add an unlimited number of family members

Enter the email addresses of your loved ones to invite them as family members in the DGLegacy® app.

Set individual permissions

As the owner of the Family Account, you have the option to control whether family members can only view or edit information within the Family Account.

Assign multiple owners to a single asset

You can assign multiple owners to each asset in your Family Account, enabling you and your family to collaborate on the protection of your digital assets and passwords.

Organize, protect, and collaborate together

The Platinum plan includes a shared space, the Family Dashboard, allowing you and your closest people to share and organize your digital and financial assets together.

You can view, modify, or upload documents for each of the assets at any time.


Protect your loved ones when it matters the most

Join the 100 000+ people who protect their assets with DGLegacy


Why DGLegacy® is the #1 place to secure your assets

DGLegacy is great for protecting my assets and my family. So far I was storing my assets’ information on a google sheet shared with my wife, but I always worried that my assets will be lost if …


Strategic Alliances Manager - dmarcian

This is a service that could make you sleep well in a time of crisis. Knowing your family is sorted out and you have every valuable under control is priceless.


Senior Engineering Manager - VMware
Atlanta, Georgia, United States.

Finally a peace of mind. I always wanted a tool where I could see a snapshot of my assets, track them, and decide what to share, with whom and when.
Because my assets were stored in different systems …

Ingrid Henke

Founder - ARRIVA relocation services
Berlin, Germany.

Knowing that DGLegacy exists is such a relief! Up till now, I’ve put my head in the sand when it came to thinking about my assets because it was so stressful with no real solution in sight. I ca…

Alara Vural

Founder - Alara Vural Coaching
London, UK.

I have been using a secure vault and password manager for years but I always worried that my family won’t be aware of most of this information if they need it. I really like that DGLegacy combines p…

Agnieszka Michalik

Software Architect - HERE Technologies
Berlin, Germany

DGLegacy enables me to easily track and organize all my passwords and assets.
The most important thing is that the digital inheritance capability of the service ensures that loved ones will be informe…

Stella Schmitz

International HR Executive

What is DGLegacy®?

DGLegacy® is a digital legacy planning and inheritance app through which, in the case of an unforeseen event happening to a user, people whom the user has nominated as beneficiaries will be informed about the user’s assets and will be able to identify and locate them, thus minimizing the chance of an unclaimed asset.

The service offers additional services to protect users' assets and ensure beneficiaries get the support they need in the process of claiming.

Is DGLegacy® a law firm?

No, DGLegacy® is not a law firm. We are not licensed to practice law or to provide any legal advice.

As our ultimate goal is to provide you with the right service to protect your assets and secure your loved ones’ inheritance, our team of experts worked with a renowned law firm to offer additional protection through the legal package “Guide and Inform,” part of the Platinum subscription.

Is the data kept confidental?

DGLegacy is a German company totally committed to keeping your data secure and confidential. We do not share it with any third parties. 

We store the data in highly secured and certified private data centers in the EU. DGLegacy is compliant with the required data protection regulations in the US and EU, such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

In which countries does DGLegacy® operate?

DGLegacy® is a global service that can be used in any country.

We are living in a global world where local solutions are no longer apt for solving the global asset protection problem. Often, people are born in one country, live in another, and have physical assets in a third and digital assets around the globe. This new reality requires a global solution, and that’s why we created DGLegacy® as a global service, which you can use anywhere in the world.

We’ve partnered with two of the largest law firms, Cooley LLP and Bird & Bird, to ensure compliance with local legislation.

Have more questions? Let us help. Contact us.

Does my DGLegacy® information have legal authority?

No. The primary purpose of the DGLegacy® service is to ensure that the beneficiaries assigned by users to assets will be informed about these assets in the case of an unforeseen event happening to the user. This will allow them to be aware of the user’s assets and to identify and locate them, thus minimizing the chance of an unclaimed asset.

The claiming of asset ownership is not handled through the DGLegacy® service.

Why is digital legacy planning so important?

Digital legacy planning is essential to ensure that your digital assets are properly managed and transferred to your loved ones or designated beneficiaries after you're no longer around. It helps prevent complications, loss of access, or potential misuse of your digital assets.

I already have an estate plan with a trust and a will. Why do I need DGLegacy®?

Traditional asset protection tools such as trusts and wills have the inherent problem of becoming outdated soon after their creation. The reason is that assets are dynamic. Take a second to think what assets you have now and what assets you had 15 years ago. The two lists are very different, right? Yes, assets change continuously.

As a result, quite often when beneficiaries get access to a trust established by a family member 30 years ago, they are unpleasantly surprised that it’s of no value: the assets listed in the trust documents are no longer valid, while the new assets aren’t listed.

With DGLegacy®, you can complement your existing estate planning by easily keeping a check on your catalog of assets and the designation of beneficiaries who are to be notified in the case of an unforeseen event happening to you.