Financial planning In personal finance, almost everyone understands financial planning as an overall plan for how to achieve certain financial goals. The plan might include using various financial tools such as investing in stock markets, buying company stocks through...
Why your stocks and investment portfolio need financial protection
The democratization of online trading. Online trading platforms democratized investment by providing access to it for everyone. In the past, this was primarily a privilege of professional brokers. These days, many people with various professional backgrounds and jobs...
The Digital Inheritance Fintech Company DGLegacy Tackles the Hidden Consequences of COVID-19 for Affected Families
The Digital Inheritance Fintech Company DGLegacy Tackles the Hidden Consequences of COVID-19 for Affected Families. BERLIN, Sept 23, 2020 – The digital inheritance asset protection company DGLegacy aims to address the financial consequences of COVID-19 for...
The emergence of digital inheritance fintech services
The emergence of digital inheritance fintech services. Digital Inheritance ?! More or less everyone understands inheritance as the passing of assets to beneficiaries whom the owner has appointed. Two hundred years ago, inheritance was a pretty simple process,...
The hidden secret of investment portfolios and digital wallets
The hidden secret of investment portfolios and digital wallets The democratization of online investment and stock trading Many people these days have various assets, such as bank accounts, insurances, stocks, options, commodities, and real estate. Thanks to a new...
German Asset Protection Startup DGLegacy Aims to Solve the Multi-Billion-Dollar Global Problem of Unclaimed Assets
German Asset Protection Startup DGLegacy Aims to Solve the Multi-Billion-Dollar Global Problem of Unclaimed Assets. The newly launched asset protection startup DGLegacy aims to solve the accelerating pandemic of unclaimed assets globally. Unclaimed assets are...
Why your family might not inherit your money
Why your family might not inherit your money? Many people have hard-earned assets such as saving accounts in banks, insurance policies, stock options, company stocks, real estate, and RSUs. We all believe that if anything happened to us, these assets would go to our...
The #1 financial risk that you might not be aware of
The #1 financial risk that you might not be aware of We all have financial fears related to insufficient savings for emergencies, not enough money for retirement, investment risks, etc. But there is one big financial risk hiding around the corner, which might be...