What is crypto Cryptocurrencies have been around for more than a decade now and it’s clear they’re here to stay. Without getting into too much detail on the history of cryptocurrency and the different types there are - you can read more on both topics and more in our...
DGLegacy and outstanding Executive MBA consultants have partnered to foster improvements
DGLegacy – the digital legacy and inheritance service of the future, aiming to solve the multi-billion-dollar global problem of abandoned and unclaimed digital and financial assets – is on a mission to improve its price affordability for the thousands of users that...
DGLegacy announces its partnership with Plan A
DGLegacy announces its partnership with Plan A on the way to becoming the leading digital inheritance service of the future We at DGLegacy are pleased to announce our strategic partnership with Plan A, a Sofia-based software development company, one of the most...
DGLegacy receives its US Trademark Registration
DGLegacy receives its US Trademark Registration We are excited and proud to share that DGLegacy has just received its US trademark registration by the United States Patent and Trademark Office! DGLegacy’s US trademark registration certificate...
3 important steps in your financial planning
Many people these days do not see the value of financial planning and the impact it might have on their life. Everybody has some financial goals, some dreams about the future, such as having a nice big house with an enormous garden and a swimming pool or driving a...
5 important things you need to know about life insurance
Life is a mystery. Many unexpected events, both good and bad, can occur at any time of our lives. Unfortunately, we cannot predict those events, we can only prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Life insurance is a contract between a person and a life...
Why is my partner always worried when I leave for a business trip – and how do I fix that?
When you travel a lot on business trips, it can be challenging to your relationships. It is extremely difficult and distressing at times, not only to you but also your partner and your whole family. In many cases, the traveling partner is not even aware of why his or...
Last Will and Testament vs. Estate Planning
Do you remember the last time you went to a movie? I guess you haven't forgotten how you prepared for it: You considered who you wanted to share this experience with. You thought about what genre of movie you wanted to watch. You checked whether this genre suited your...
Traditional vs. digital estate planning
Traditional estate planning Traditional estate planning enables people to protect their personal assets. These assets range from various types of financial items such as bank accounts, company shares, and stock portfolios to tangible assets such as art, antiques, and...
DGLegacy Announces the planned release of its global Digital Will
BERLIN, June 23, 2021 – The secure document and password manager with digital inheritance, DGLegacy, announced the launch of its Digital Will planned for the end of 2021. Unclaimed digital and financial assets are reaching unprecedented levels of $100B in the USA and...